Online Security Protections - Cybersecurity, Hacking and Phishing

In today’s world of increased technology, hackers and cyber thieves are waiting to steal your personal information and funds at every opportunity. Here are some tips to protect yourself from online criminals.

  • Never give your online banking credentials to anyone. Do not give them access to your online banking even if they say they are going to make a mobile deposit to your account. This is a common way to become a victim of a scam.
  • Create a strong password you actually remember using the following tips.
    • Create a long password. A minimum of 8 – 12 characters is recommended.
    • Use your entire keyboard. Use numbers, upper and lower case letters and symbols to strengthen your password.
    • Eliminate the dictionary words. Never use common words or names in your password.
    • Avoid commonly used password patterns. Create your password from a sentence.
    • Create unique passwords. Using and reusing passwords in multiple places diminishes the effects of a strong password.
    • Storing your passwords safely is crucial. Do not store your passwords in spreadsheets or upload it to the cloud unless it is within an encrypted file.
  • Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails or emails from unfamiliar sources. The links may lead to an illegitimate website attempting to get you to enter your credit card or other personal information. Some links may download malware (malicious software or computer viruses) to your device when you click on them. These links can steal your banking information, including login identification, passwords and credit or debit card numbers.
  • "Phishing” emails pretending to be from popular merchants, banks or other known entities may look legitimate due to graphics copied from authentic websites but are an attempt to steal personal information or other valuable details.
  • Remember that financial institutions will not send you an email or call to ask you to put account numbers, passwords, PINs or other sensitive information in your response because they already have this information. When in doubt, call the financial institution directly using a telephone number you know is valid.
  • Keep your software up to date.
  • Use reputable anti-virus software protection that periodically runs on your computer to search for and remove malicious software.
  • Use a firewall program to prevent unauthorized access to your device. A firewall acts as a gatekeeper that helps screen out hackers, malware and other intruders who try to access your device from the internet.
  • Be careful where and how you connect to the internet.
  • Monitor your bank statements, credit card statements and credit reports for any unusual items related to online activity.
  • Don’t leave your mobile device unattended and use a device password or other method to control access if it is lost or stolen.
  • Be discreet when using social networking sites. Criminals comb these sites looking for information such as a person’s place of birth, mother’s maiden name or a pet’s name. Those details can assist a criminal to guess or reset passwords for online accounts or figure out answers to security questions.
  • Proceed with caution and protect yourself and your personal information online.